The all-new NMCA WEST finished their first season with an awards ceremony held Saturday evening January 19th. Dave McClelland, emcee, hosted the huge event which was attended by nearly 400 racers, crew members, their families and sponsors. Dave (shown below) also recognized the accomplishments of all who raced throughout this inaugural season, including the 2012 Class Champions.

ProCharger-powered racers and their teams had an outstanding first season with special recognition going to ProCharged racers Al Jimenez (shown below), Kevin Young, and Eric Gustafson. Congratulations to Al for winning the NMCA West TRUE 10.5 Championship and running a best 6.993 @ 203 mph with his ProCharger F-3R-136. ProCharger also wants to congratulate Kevin for winning the NMCA West 275 Drag Radial Championship, running a best 7.37 @ 198 mph with his ProCharger F-2. Last but not least, congratulations to ProCharger racer Eric Gustafson for receiving the NMCA West Signature Award, finishing runner-up in the NMCA West Outlaw 8.5 class, and running a best 5.21 @ 143 mph and winning in the WCHRA Outlaw 8.5 class with a ProCharger F-1X. Ken Jones, CEO of ProCharger, was glad to be able to fly in and attend the event, and represent the company on behalf of the 275 Drag Radial Class. ProCharger stepped up and sponsored this class in 2012, and is proud to do so once again in 2013. What a great first season, and we’re all looking forward to season 2!

For more racing news check out procharger.com/racing-news/racing_october12.shtml .